Perbedaan Pelaporan dan Laporan Keuangan
Haruslah dibedakan antara pengertian Pelaporan keuangan (financial reporting) dan laporan keuangan (financial reports). Mungkin selama ini kadang memanfaatkan jasa analisa (jasa analisis) atau jasa audit mengenai keuangan. Misalnya datang ke kantor akuntan, seperti kantor akuntan publik, atau jasa keuangan lainnya. Pelaporan Keuangan meliputi segala aspek yang berkaitan dengan penyediaan dan peyampaian informasi keuangan. Aspek-aspek tersebut antara lain lembaga yang terlibat (misalnya penyusunan standar, badan pengawas dari pemerintah atau pasar modal, organisasi profesi, dan entitas pelapor), peraturan yang berlaku termasuk PABU (prinsip akuntansi berterima umum atau generally accepted accounting principles/GAAP). Laporan keuangan hanyalah salah satu medium dalam penyampaian informasi. Bahkan seharusnya harus dibedakan pula antara statemen (statement) dan laporan (report)PERUBAHAN HARGAArgentina, Brasil, Israel, Meksiko, dan Rusia merupakan beberapa Negara penderita paling buruk dari kondisi inflasi yang tinggi. Tiap tahun rata-rata inflasi di negara-negara tersebut seringkali melampaui 100% dan bahkan tingginya mencapai 2000% di Brasil dan Rusia. Rata-rata dalam negara industri, inflasi terdapat pada dua negara adidaya pada pertengahan tahun 1970 dan di Inggris inflasi mencapai 25%. Sangat tidak mengherankan di negara tersebut pertambahan inflasi menyangkut dengan yang akan mempengaruhi dalam pemakaian " akuntansi Inflasi" sistem ini akan menjadi obat dari kerusakan pada menurut adat akuntansi biaya historis dan mengungkapkan dampak perubahan harga dan inflasi pada pendapata dan aset.
Dampak dari Inflasi pada Perusahaan
dari inflasi pada posisi keuangan dan prestasi dari perusahaan dapat
berakibat dalam inefisiensi prestasi oleh keputusan manajer yang tidak
mengerti dari dampak tersebut. Seperti contoh, jika bisnis holding
finansial pada aset keuangan tunai selama periode dimana inflasi
mengalami menaikan sampai 10%, berarti sebanyak 10% kemampuan pembelian
berakhir dari periode dimulainya inflasi.
Efek dari inflasi pada aset nonkeuangan dicerminkan dalam laporan
laba rugi dan neraca: selama periode kenaikan harga, pendapatan dari
penjualan sekarang dicocokkan terhadap inventaris tersebut mungkin
bermula dari beberapa pembelian bulanan dan terhadap perhitungan
depresiasi biaya histori dari tanah, bangunan, dan peralatan tersebut
berasal dari pembelian beberapa tahun yang lalu, meskipun benar bahwa
mengganti inventaris dan aset tetap bisa menjadi lebih mahal.
Alternatif Ukuran Akuntansi
umumnya kemampuan pembelian menurut akuntansi memasukkan semua pola
sistem dalam mempertahankan kemampuan pembelian secara nyata dari modal
atau shareholder, ekuitas dalam perusahan dalam akuntansi untuk
penukaran tingkatan umum dari harga.
Nilai sekarang menurut akuntansi pada tangan yang lain, memasukkan
semua pola sistem pada pencatatan dari nilai sekarang atau perubahan
dalam harga secara spesifik. Dengan memasukkan akuntansibiayasekarang
dan mengganti nilai sistem akuntansi, yang mana maksudnya adalah
mempertahankan fisik modal, kapasitas produksi, atau operasi aset pada
perusahaan; dan pengeluaran sekarang (atau penjualan) akuntansi harga,
yang mana maksudnyamempertahankan shareholder skuitas tetapi dalam
istilah untuk harga penjualan untuk aset bersih perusahaan.
Kemampuan Pembelian Menurut Akuntansi pada Umumnya
umum yang mendukung kemampuan pembelian menurut akuntansi pada umunya
adalah: laporan keuangan, pertanggangjawaban, pendapatan, dan beban
pada unit-unit pada kemampuan pembelian.
Persoalan lebih lanjut menyangkut sifat dari indeks yang dapat
digunakan dalam membuat penyesuaian GPP. Kita catat permulaannya dari
indeks harga konsumen yaitu salah diantaranya sangat luas penggunannya
di seluruh dunia dalam mengukur inflasi. Indeks tersebut mengukur
perubahandari harga pada bermacam-macam tingkat untuk konsumen yang
baik dan pelayanannya begitu juga pembelian untuk konsumsi akhir.
Bagaimanapun, karena indeks konsumen berorientasi mungkin tidak terlalu
penting menggambarkan perubahan dalam harga dengan tepat yang
mempengaruhi perusahaan.
Nilai Sekarang Menurut Akuntansi
mempunyai catatan yang siap digunakan, nilai sekarang dari akuntansi
menyangkut dari kenaikan atau penurunan biaya atau nilai spesifik aset.
Tidak dengan kerugian secara menyeluruh untuk kemampuan pembelian untuk
mata uang. Dibawah konsep pemasukan adalah tidak mempertimbangkan
pendapatan sampai perusahaan mempertahankan modal dari nilai sekarang.
Dibawah nilai sekarang menurut akuntansi, dasar baru dari nilai aset
menggantikan pendekatan biaya histori tradisional.
Terdapat dua pendekatan utama pada nilai sekarang menurut
akuntansi: biaya sekarang (atau biaya pengganti) dan biaya pengeluaran
sekarang (harga penjualan atau nilai bersih yang dapat dicapai).
Akuntansi biaya sekarang, metode ini sangat luas dan telah diterima
oleh umum, metode ini digunakan untuk menggolongkan aset non keuangan.
Dibawah pendekatan ini, aset telah dinilai menurut apa yang sesuai
dengan nilai pengganti biaya. Bagaimanapun apakah nilainya akan
menggambarkan kesamaan dengan aset yang diganti atau serupa dengan
dayaguna aset pada fungsi yang sama dengan teknologi baru yang sedapat
mungkin menjadi subjek dari diskusi ini. Akuntansi harga pengeluaran
sekarang, di lain pihak, nilai aset, penyelesaian spesial inventaris
yang baik, pada apa mereka dapat membeli dengan mengeluarkan biaya
untuk melengkapi dan membeli barang-barang. Di Belanda teori nilai
pengeluaran, memajukan jasa adalah diantaranya menciptakan likuidasi,
nilai, dan konsep perusahaan yang go publik. Di bawah konsep perusahaan
yang go publik, aset dinilai pada penyelesaian normal dari produksi.
Nilai Sekarang: GPP Akuntansi
kita membicarakan GPP dan nilai sekarang dari Akuntansi secara
tersendiri, banyak para akuntan dan ahli ekonomi percaya bahwa keduanya
mengkombinasikan dalam sistem akuntansi berdasarkan nilai nyata.
Reaksi pertama dari IASC ( sekarang IASB) ke akuntansi inflasi pada tahun 1977 di dalam IAS 6,
Accounting Responses to Changing Prices. IASC mencoba untuk menetapkan standar yang utama dalam pembatasan pilihan yang ada dan harus terlebih dahulu berdasar pada suatu konsensus tentang organisasi anggotanya sehingga IAS 6 menjadi sangat ringkas.
Accounting Responses to Changing Prices. IASC mencoba untuk menetapkan standar yang utama dalam pembatasan pilihan yang ada dan harus terlebih dahulu berdasar pada suatu konsensus tentang organisasi anggotanya sehingga IAS 6 menjadi sangat ringkas.
Standard Akuntansi Internasional percaya bahwa percobaan lebih lanjut
adalah perlu sebelum dapat memberikan pertimbangan yang menuntut
perusahaan untuk mengungkapan laporan keuangan utama, menggunakan suatu
sistem yang seragam dan menyeluruh untuk mencerminkan perubahan harga.
Perusahaan yang menyajikan laporan keuangan utama pada basis biaya
historis akan membantu evolusi pokok materi untuk menyediakan penjelasan
tambahan yang mencerminkan efek perubahan harga. Jenis informasi utama
tersebut yang mencerminkan efek perubahan harga direkomendasikan untuk
pengungkapan oleh IAS 15, yaitu
- Sejumlah dari penyesuaian atau menyesuaikan jumlah penyusutan hak milik, pabrik, dan peralatan.
- Sejumlah dari penyesuaian atau menyesuaikan jumlah biaya penjualan.
- Penyesuaian yang berhubungan dengan pos moneter, efek dalam meminjam, atau bunga modal, yang pada penyesuaian seperti itu telah diperhitungkan dalam menentukan pendapatan dengan metode akuntansi yang diadopsi.
- Keseluruhan efek pada hasil penyesuaian sebaik materi lain mencerminkan efek dalam mengubah harga yang dilaporkan di bawah metode akuntansi yang diadopsi.
- Suatu metode biaya sekarang diadopsi, hak milik, peralatan dan pabrik dan inventaris.
- Metode yang diadopsi menghitung informasi menuntut di dalam materi yang terdahulu, mencakup sifat alami menggunakan indeks.
akuntansi, inflasi bervariasi di seluruh dunia dan bagi suatu
pertimbangan menyangkut tingkat tarif dan dampak inflasi. Pengalaman
akuntansi inflasi yang substansial telah diperoleh mengikuti
hiperinflasi yang paling sering terjadi di Amerika Selatan, khususnya
di Argentina, Brazil, dan Cili.Di Inggris, profesi akuntansi
memperkenalkan SSAP 16 pada tahun 1980. Pejabat menarik mundur SSAP 16
pada tahun 1988 berikut kemerosotan kritik dan tingkatan inflasi dari
Amerika Serikat, peraturan diperkenalkan pertama kali dengan
ketentuan hukum yang dikenakan oleh SEC pada tahun 1976. GPP dan
pengungkapan arus biaya yang diperlukan oleh SFAS 33 sebagai tambahan
terhadap pengungkapan pendapatan yang telah disesuaikan, persediaan,
pabrik dan peralatan diperlukan untuk menjadi pengungkapan secara
bersama dengan peningkatan dan penurunan biaya sekarang menyesuaikan
untuk GPP.
Inflasi Akuntansi di Amerika Selatan
Dengan hiperinflasi yang merajalela dalam bebrapa tahun terakhir
ini di sejumlah negara di Amerika Selatan, khususnya Brazil dan
Argentina, ini tidak mngejutkan bahwa ada tekanan-tekanan untuk
mengadopsi sistem-sistem inflasi akuntansi. Di Brazil,
penyesuaian-penyesuaian inflasi akuntansi digunakan pada awal 1950-an,
tapi sebuah peraturan/hukum perusahaan yang baru pada tahun 1976 ,
yaitu pendekatan pengindeksasian umum untuk mengemukakan kembali
biaya-biaya historis dalam syarat-syarat daya beli sekarang sebagai
tanggal dari laporan keuangan.
Semua perusahaan diwajibkan mengemukakan kembali neraca dengan
hormat pada properti, bangunan, dan perlengkapan dan deprisiasi yang
berhubungan, investasi-investasi, dan biaya-biaya yang ditangguhkan dan
ekuitas pemegang saham.Di Argentina, sistem inflasi akuntansi
diperkenalkan utamanya lewat inisiatif dan campur tangan profesi
akuntansi. Pada tahun 1972, sebuah pernyataan dijadikan pokok
permasalahan, merekomendasikan publikasi tambahan pelapaporan keuangan
GPP. Pada tahun 1995, syarat-syarat penyesuaian GPP dipindahkan
mengikuti periode inflasi yang rendah.
Nilai Akuntansi Sekarang di Belanda
Belanda, orang-orang Belanda sadar akan nilai akuntansi sekarang untuk
waktu yang lama. Ada dua alasan mengapa fokus pada Belanda jika tidak
ada persyaratan untuk biaya sekarang atau akuntansi GPP yaitu, pertama
melibatkan teori Profesor Theodore Limberg, yang sering disebut Bapak
Teori Nilai Penggantian karena kepeloporannya bekerja di Belanda tahun
1930-an. Dia fokus pada hubungan kuat antara ekonomi dan akuntansi dan
percaya bahwa pendapatan seharusnya tidak dihasilkan tanpa pemeliharaan
sumber daya dari pendapatan bisnis dari sudut kelangsungan atau
kelanjutan. Pendapatan adalah fungsi dari penghasilan dan nilai-nilai
penggantian daripada biaya historis. Dalam tambahannya Limberg
mempertahankan bahwa informasi nilai sekarang harus digunakan semua
pembuat keputusan.
kedua, untuk melihat pada Belanda untuk mempelajari dari pengalaman
dari perusahaan Philips multinasional orang Belanda yang merupakan
pelopor penyedia laporan keuangan nilai sekarang. Philips adalah contoh
yang menarik dan berharga dari aplikasi praktek dalam nilai akuntansi
sekarang. Dalam laporan keuangan nilai sekarang, Philips menggunakan
nilai penggantian sekarang bersama dengan proses penyesuian untuk
merefleksikan tingkat dimana ada penambahan keuntungan dari aset
finansial dari pinjaman daripada modal ekuitas.
Nilai-nilai sekarang dipergunakan oleh departemen pembelian untuk
aktiva tetap; oleh departemen permesinan untuk spesifikasi disain
bagian peralatan, dan oleh desain bangunan dan departemen permesinan
gedung untuk bangunan bangunan.
Brink (1999)
yang menunjukkan, Philips cenderung untuk beberapa tahun menerapkan
nilai penggantian akuntansi dalam sebuah cara yang jauh dari konservatif
dan design untuk mempertinggi keuntungan. Perlakuan pada pengurangan
nilai persediaan dan proses penyesuian dalam negara yang mengalami
hiperinflasi, sebagai contoh secara khusus kontroversial, cukup terpisah
dari kebijakan akuntansi yang berhubungan pada mata uang asing,
goodwill, dan aktiva tidak berwujud dalam hal yang umum.
level yang signifikan dari inflasi dan kemauan harga di banyak Negara
mempengaruhi kebutuhan dan kegunaan system akuntansi inflasi yang
mungkin tetap akan menjadi subjek dari banyak kontroversi di dalam
meramalkan masa depan.
akuntansi GPP telah digunakan dibanyak negara berinflasi tinggi di
Amerika Selatan, tetapi tidak ada contoh dari standar akuntansi biaya
langsung atau regulasi di Inggris dan Amerika Serikat tentang
mempertahankan level nasional yang mewasiatkan penelitian mengenai
akuntansi inflasi pada pertengahan 1980-an. Bagaimanapun juga, banyak
perusahaan-perusahaan Eropa membuat pengungkapan nilai langsung secara
Baru-baru ini
perhatian dalam nilai akuntansi yang langsung atau jujur sangat
diharapkan akan memajukan penelitian dengan tipe yang bervariasi dari
system akuntansi perubahan harga. Hal ini mungkin juga akan menjadi
penumbuh apresiasi dari keadaan yang terpuruk dengan cara memilih
pendekatan alternative yang mungkin dapat dikerjakan dan berguna dalam
pengukuran laba dan asset. Kegunaan dari harga jual dan keluar dalam
konteks perubahan harga, terutama memperhatikan nilai atau milik dan
investasi, selain itu mungkin juga menjadi apresiasi yang lebih baik.
Hal ini kiranya juga menjadi kesempatan untuk menggunakan sumber-sumber
relevan lainnya dari informasi yang ada, seperti informasi mengenai
aliran kas.
Differences and Financial ReportingMust distinguish between the notion of financial reporting (financial reporting) and financial statements (financial reports). Maybe all this is sometimes utilize the services of analysis (analysis service) or audit of financial services. For example, came to the firm, such as public accounting, or other financial services. Financial reporting encompasses all aspects relating to the provision of financial information and peyampaian. These
aspects include the institutions involved (such as standard setting,
regulatory agency of government or capital markets, professional
organizations, and the reporting entity), applicable regulations,
including GAAP (generally acceptable accounting principles, or Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles / GAAP). Financial report is just one medium in the delivery of information. In fact, it should also be distinguished between statements (statements) and report (report)
PRICE CHANGESArgentina, Brazil, Israel, Mexico, and Russia are among the countries worst sufferers of the condition of high inflation. Each year the average inflation in these countries often exceed 100% and even higher reaching 2000% in Brazil and Russia. Average in industrial countries, inflation is contained in the two superpowers in the middle of 1970 and in the UK inflation reaches 25%. It is not surprising in that country with the increase of inflation concerns will affect the use of "inflation accounting" system would be a remedy of damages in the manner of historical cost accounting and reveals the impact of price changes and inflation in pendapata and assets.
The impact of inflation on the CompanyEffects of inflation on the financial position and performance of firms can result in inefficient performance by managers who do not understand the decision of that impact. As an example, if a business financial holding financial assets in cash during the period in which inflation has raised to 10%, meaning as much as 10% end up purchasing ability of the commencement of the period of inflation.Effects of inflation on non-financial assets are reflected in the income statement and balance sheet: during periods of rising prices, revenues from sales of inventory are now matched against the likely stems from several monthly purchases and calculating depreciation on historical cost of land, buildings, and equipment purchases comes from a few years ago, although it is true that the change of inventory and fixed assets can be more expensive.
Alternative Accounting SizeIn general, the ability of accounting include all purchases according to the pattern of the system in maintaining the real purchasing capacity of the capital or shareholder, equity in the company in exchange accounting for the general level of prices.The present value according to accounting on the other hand, include all the patterns on the recording system of the present value or changes in specific prices. By entering akuntansibiayasekarang and replace the accounting system, where the intention is to maintain the physical capital, production capacity, or the operation of the company's assets, and current expenditures (or selling) price accounting, which maksudnyamempertahankan shareholder skuitas but in terms for the sale price to net asset company.
Purchase Ability According to the general accountingFilosophy general supports the ability to purchase under accounting in general are: financial statements, pertanggangjawaban, income, and the burden on the ability of units to purchase.Further issues concerning the nature of the index that can be used in making adjustments to GPP. We note the beginnings of the consumer price index is one of them is very widely throughout the world in its consumer inflation measure. The index measures the price perubahandari at various levels for both consumers and service as well as purchases for final consumption. However, because the index-oriented consumers may be less important in describing the changes that affect the right price with the company.According to the Present Value AccountingWe have records ready for use, the present value of the accounting related to the increase or decrease in the cost or value of specific assets. Not with the overall loss for the ability to purchase the currency. Under the concept of income is not considered income to maintain the capital of the company's current value. Under the current value according to accounting, a new basis of the asset value approach replaces the traditional historical cost.There are two main approaches to the current value according to accounting: current cost (or replacement cost) and cost of current expenditure (sales price or net realizable value). Current cost accounting, the method is very broad and has been accepted by the public, this method is used to classify non-financial assets. Under this approach, the assets have been valued according to what suits their replacement cost value. However if the value will describe the similarities with the replaced assets or similar assets dayaguna the same function with the new technology as far as possible be the subject of this discussion. Accounting for current spending rates, on the other hand, the value of the assets, completion of inventory specials are good, on what they can buy with the cost to equip and purchase goods. In the Netherlands the theory of the expenditure, advance the service is creating such liquidation, value, and the concept of companies that go public. Under the concept of companies going public, assets valued at normal completion of production.
Current value: Accounting GPPAlthough we discuss the GPP and the present value of the separate accounting, the accountants and many economists believe that the two are combined in the accounting system based on real value.INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDSThe first reaction of the IASC (now IASB) accounting for inflation in 1977 at the IAS 6,Accounting Responses to Changing Prices. IASC trying to establish a primary standard in the restriction options, and must first be based on a consensus of its member organizations so that the IAS 6 to be very concise.
International Accounting Standards Committee believes that further trials are necessary before it can give consideration to requiring the company to express the main financial statements, using a uniform and comprehensive system to reflect changes in prices. Companies that provide the primary financial statements on a historical cost basis will help the evolution of the subject matter to provide additional explanation to reflect the effect of price changes. The main types of information which reflects the effect of price changes recommended for the disclosure by IAS 15, namely
A number of adjustments or adjust the amount of depreciation of property, plant, and equipment.
A number of adjustments or adjust the amount of cost of sales.
Adjustments relating to monetary item, the effect of the borrowing, or capital interest, which in such adjustments are taken into account in determining the income of the accounting method adopted.
The overall effect on the outcome of the adjustment as well as other materials reflecting the effect of changing prices are reported under the accounting method adopted.
A current cost method is adopted, property, plant and equipment and inventory.
The method adopted to calculate the information demanded in the earlier material, including the nature of using the index.
COMPARISON OF NATIONAL REGULATIONS AND PRACTICESAccounting practices, inflation varies across the world and for a judgment regarding the level of tariffs and the impact of inflation. Experiences substantial inflation accounting has been obtained following the hyperinflation of the most frequent in South America, particularly in Argentina, Brazil, and Cili.Di UK, SSAP 16 accounting profession introduced in 1980. SSAP 16 officials withdrew in 1988 following the decline of criticism and inflation levels of the business.In the United States, legislation was first introduced with the provisions of law imposed by the SEC in 1976. GPP and current cost disclosures required by SFAS 33 in addition to the disclosure of income has been adjusted, inventory, plant and equipment required to be full disclosure along with the increasing and decreasing costs are now adjusting to GPP.Inflation Accounting in South AmericaWith the rampant hyperinflation in the last couple of years in several countries in South America, especially Brazil and Argentina, is not mngejutkan that there are pressures to adopt inflation accounting systems. In Brazil, inflation accounting adjustments used in the early 1950s, but a rule / law of the new company in 1976, which is common pengindeksasian approach to restate historical costs in terms of purchasing power today as the date of the financial statements .All companies are required to restate the balance sheet with respect to property, plant and equipment and related depreciation, investments, and costs are deferred and equity holders saham.Di Argentina, the system of inflation accounting is introduced mainly through the initiative and intervention of the accounting profession . In 1972, a statement made at issue, the publication recommends additional financial pelapaporan GPP. In 1995, the terms of GPP was transferred following the adjustment period of low inflation.Current value accounting in the NetherlandsIn the Netherlands, the Dutch were aware of the value of accounting now for a long time. There are two reasons why the focus on the Netherlands if there is no requirement for current expenses or accounting GPP that is, the first involving the theory of Professor Theodore Limberg, often called the father of Replacement Value Theory for his pioneering work in the Netherlands in the 1930s. He was a strong focus on the relationship between economics and accounting, and believe that the revenue should not be generated without the maintenance of the resource revenue from the business point of continuity or continuity. Revenue is a function of income and replacement values rather than historical cost. In addition Limberg retain that information should be used the present value of all decision makers.The second reason, to look at the Netherlands to learn from the experience of the Dutch multinational Philips company which is a pioneer in providing financial statements present value. Philips is an interesting and valuable examples of practical applications in current value accounting. In the financial statements present value, using a Philips replacement value now along with the correlation process to reflect the degree to which there are additional advantages of financial assets from loans rather than equity capital.The values now used by the department to purchase fixed assets; by the department of engineering design specifications for the equipment, and by building design and engineering department building to building construction.Brink (1999) who showed, Philips tends to several years to implement the replacement value accounting in a way that is far from conservative and design to enhance profits. Treatment on the reduction of inventories and the value of the correlation process in countries experiencing hyperinflation, as a particularly controversial example, quite apart from the accounting policy relating to foreign currency, goodwill and intangible assets in common.
ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIESExistence of a significant level of inflation and prices in many countries will affect the need and usefulness of inflation accounting system that may remain will be the subject of much controversy in predicting the future.Although accounting GPP has been used in many countries in South America berinflasi high, but no examples of direct cost accounting standards or regulations in the United Kingdom and the United States on a national level that bequeath sustain research on inflation accounting in the mid-1980s. However, many European companies to make voluntary disclosure of immediate value.Attention recently in the direct or honest accounting is expected to advance research that varies with the type of accounting system changes in the price. This may also be a grower appreciation of the collapsed state by choosing an alternative approach that might be workable and useful in the measurement of income and assets. The usefulness of the sale price and get out in the context of price changes, especially pay attention to the value or the property and investment, but it may also become a better appreciation. It would also be an opportunity to use other relevant sources of information, such as information on cash flow.
PRICE CHANGESArgentina, Brazil, Israel, Mexico, and Russia are among the countries worst sufferers of the condition of high inflation. Each year the average inflation in these countries often exceed 100% and even higher reaching 2000% in Brazil and Russia. Average in industrial countries, inflation is contained in the two superpowers in the middle of 1970 and in the UK inflation reaches 25%. It is not surprising in that country with the increase of inflation concerns will affect the use of "inflation accounting" system would be a remedy of damages in the manner of historical cost accounting and reveals the impact of price changes and inflation in pendapata and assets.
The impact of inflation on the CompanyEffects of inflation on the financial position and performance of firms can result in inefficient performance by managers who do not understand the decision of that impact. As an example, if a business financial holding financial assets in cash during the period in which inflation has raised to 10%, meaning as much as 10% end up purchasing ability of the commencement of the period of inflation.Effects of inflation on non-financial assets are reflected in the income statement and balance sheet: during periods of rising prices, revenues from sales of inventory are now matched against the likely stems from several monthly purchases and calculating depreciation on historical cost of land, buildings, and equipment purchases comes from a few years ago, although it is true that the change of inventory and fixed assets can be more expensive.
Alternative Accounting SizeIn general, the ability of accounting include all purchases according to the pattern of the system in maintaining the real purchasing capacity of the capital or shareholder, equity in the company in exchange accounting for the general level of prices.The present value according to accounting on the other hand, include all the patterns on the recording system of the present value or changes in specific prices. By entering akuntansibiayasekarang and replace the accounting system, where the intention is to maintain the physical capital, production capacity, or the operation of the company's assets, and current expenditures (or selling) price accounting, which maksudnyamempertahankan shareholder skuitas but in terms for the sale price to net asset company.
Purchase Ability According to the general accountingFilosophy general supports the ability to purchase under accounting in general are: financial statements, pertanggangjawaban, income, and the burden on the ability of units to purchase.Further issues concerning the nature of the index that can be used in making adjustments to GPP. We note the beginnings of the consumer price index is one of them is very widely throughout the world in its consumer inflation measure. The index measures the price perubahandari at various levels for both consumers and service as well as purchases for final consumption. However, because the index-oriented consumers may be less important in describing the changes that affect the right price with the company.According to the Present Value AccountingWe have records ready for use, the present value of the accounting related to the increase or decrease in the cost or value of specific assets. Not with the overall loss for the ability to purchase the currency. Under the concept of income is not considered income to maintain the capital of the company's current value. Under the current value according to accounting, a new basis of the asset value approach replaces the traditional historical cost.There are two main approaches to the current value according to accounting: current cost (or replacement cost) and cost of current expenditure (sales price or net realizable value). Current cost accounting, the method is very broad and has been accepted by the public, this method is used to classify non-financial assets. Under this approach, the assets have been valued according to what suits their replacement cost value. However if the value will describe the similarities with the replaced assets or similar assets dayaguna the same function with the new technology as far as possible be the subject of this discussion. Accounting for current spending rates, on the other hand, the value of the assets, completion of inventory specials are good, on what they can buy with the cost to equip and purchase goods. In the Netherlands the theory of the expenditure, advance the service is creating such liquidation, value, and the concept of companies that go public. Under the concept of companies going public, assets valued at normal completion of production.
Current value: Accounting GPPAlthough we discuss the GPP and the present value of the separate accounting, the accountants and many economists believe that the two are combined in the accounting system based on real value.INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDSThe first reaction of the IASC (now IASB) accounting for inflation in 1977 at the IAS 6,Accounting Responses to Changing Prices. IASC trying to establish a primary standard in the restriction options, and must first be based on a consensus of its member organizations so that the IAS 6 to be very concise.
International Accounting Standards Committee believes that further trials are necessary before it can give consideration to requiring the company to express the main financial statements, using a uniform and comprehensive system to reflect changes in prices. Companies that provide the primary financial statements on a historical cost basis will help the evolution of the subject matter to provide additional explanation to reflect the effect of price changes. The main types of information which reflects the effect of price changes recommended for the disclosure by IAS 15, namely
A number of adjustments or adjust the amount of depreciation of property, plant, and equipment.
A number of adjustments or adjust the amount of cost of sales.
Adjustments relating to monetary item, the effect of the borrowing, or capital interest, which in such adjustments are taken into account in determining the income of the accounting method adopted.
The overall effect on the outcome of the adjustment as well as other materials reflecting the effect of changing prices are reported under the accounting method adopted.
A current cost method is adopted, property, plant and equipment and inventory.
The method adopted to calculate the information demanded in the earlier material, including the nature of using the index.
COMPARISON OF NATIONAL REGULATIONS AND PRACTICESAccounting practices, inflation varies across the world and for a judgment regarding the level of tariffs and the impact of inflation. Experiences substantial inflation accounting has been obtained following the hyperinflation of the most frequent in South America, particularly in Argentina, Brazil, and Cili.Di UK, SSAP 16 accounting profession introduced in 1980. SSAP 16 officials withdrew in 1988 following the decline of criticism and inflation levels of the business.In the United States, legislation was first introduced with the provisions of law imposed by the SEC in 1976. GPP and current cost disclosures required by SFAS 33 in addition to the disclosure of income has been adjusted, inventory, plant and equipment required to be full disclosure along with the increasing and decreasing costs are now adjusting to GPP.Inflation Accounting in South AmericaWith the rampant hyperinflation in the last couple of years in several countries in South America, especially Brazil and Argentina, is not mngejutkan that there are pressures to adopt inflation accounting systems. In Brazil, inflation accounting adjustments used in the early 1950s, but a rule / law of the new company in 1976, which is common pengindeksasian approach to restate historical costs in terms of purchasing power today as the date of the financial statements .All companies are required to restate the balance sheet with respect to property, plant and equipment and related depreciation, investments, and costs are deferred and equity holders saham.Di Argentina, the system of inflation accounting is introduced mainly through the initiative and intervention of the accounting profession . In 1972, a statement made at issue, the publication recommends additional financial pelapaporan GPP. In 1995, the terms of GPP was transferred following the adjustment period of low inflation.Current value accounting in the NetherlandsIn the Netherlands, the Dutch were aware of the value of accounting now for a long time. There are two reasons why the focus on the Netherlands if there is no requirement for current expenses or accounting GPP that is, the first involving the theory of Professor Theodore Limberg, often called the father of Replacement Value Theory for his pioneering work in the Netherlands in the 1930s. He was a strong focus on the relationship between economics and accounting, and believe that the revenue should not be generated without the maintenance of the resource revenue from the business point of continuity or continuity. Revenue is a function of income and replacement values rather than historical cost. In addition Limberg retain that information should be used the present value of all decision makers.The second reason, to look at the Netherlands to learn from the experience of the Dutch multinational Philips company which is a pioneer in providing financial statements present value. Philips is an interesting and valuable examples of practical applications in current value accounting. In the financial statements present value, using a Philips replacement value now along with the correlation process to reflect the degree to which there are additional advantages of financial assets from loans rather than equity capital.The values now used by the department to purchase fixed assets; by the department of engineering design specifications for the equipment, and by building design and engineering department building to building construction.Brink (1999) who showed, Philips tends to several years to implement the replacement value accounting in a way that is far from conservative and design to enhance profits. Treatment on the reduction of inventories and the value of the correlation process in countries experiencing hyperinflation, as a particularly controversial example, quite apart from the accounting policy relating to foreign currency, goodwill and intangible assets in common.
ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIESExistence of a significant level of inflation and prices in many countries will affect the need and usefulness of inflation accounting system that may remain will be the subject of much controversy in predicting the future.Although accounting GPP has been used in many countries in South America berinflasi high, but no examples of direct cost accounting standards or regulations in the United Kingdom and the United States on a national level that bequeath sustain research on inflation accounting in the mid-1980s. However, many European companies to make voluntary disclosure of immediate value.Attention recently in the direct or honest accounting is expected to advance research that varies with the type of accounting system changes in the price. This may also be a grower appreciation of the collapsed state by choosing an alternative approach that might be workable and useful in the measurement of income and assets. The usefulness of the sale price and get out in the context of price changes, especially pay attention to the value or the property and investment, but it may also become a better appreciation. It would also be an opportunity to use other relevant sources of information, such as information on cash flow.
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